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Adventure bar - East Dulwich (Lounged when no longer about same)


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Plumbers, electricians, teachers, nurses, doctors, drivers etc would all have a hard time during the day wouldn't they so they're unable to join in with a continuous 'conversation'

Ok, I know this was a while ago, but I've only just caught up with this thread (because I've been out having fun all day not working or anything) and as a shift-working doctor I have to object. I find plenty of time to read and post, because of my irregular lifestyle, not despite it. It's a small point, but that is the second time in a couple of days that someone has fallen back on poor old shift workers to win their arguement and I don't like being spoken for.

I do agree that the forum is hardly a random cross-section of the population and may well not be representative, but I also don't think it's a closed "in-crowd".

To get back on topic, I'm not totally anti any of the things that were listed really and I did go in with an open mind last night, but I didn't like the bar much. Like Ally, I might have liked it better 10 years ago, but it just felt a bit self-conscious and trying too hard for me.

Mr Ben, was it your cab we crossed the road in front of last night?

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the 6/10 wasn't meant to be negative - I thought it was fine, just not my kind of bar!

annaj Wrote:


> What Mikese22 said....


> But it think I'd put the effort mark higher. 9/10

> probably - they were really trying.


> And I recovered in Liquorish with a champagne

> classic.

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"it's just a Costa Coffee that serves cocktails" was my mates rather astute observation.

Everything about it was undecided which is a shame given it's location etc. On entry we were greeted by a ridiculously over-friendly barman akin to those awful Somerfield adverts in which the staff 'go above and beyond' to enhance the customers experience but, instead, come across as overtly creepy stalkers. I mean, don't get me wrong, i love friendly and welcoming staff, but when, every time, i go up to the bar to get the round in, i am repeatedly introduced to every barman working i feel like i have somehow been duped. They clearly will not remember me, as they have asked my name three times in 4 hours. so why introduce me to the staff who have no real desire to do anything other then serve drinks and get their shift over with. Its the falsity of the situation that makes it all very uncomfortable.

start as you mean to go on i say, and i really hope they haven't gone by that path.

as for the music...Killers, Greenday, Boy George, Withney Houston, Baywatch Theme in that order.

Whatever your identity, state it from the get-go, don't 'um' and 'err' and try to make everyone happy.

cocktails were wank too

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Have to agree - it really is pretty crap. AND I went in really wanting to like the place. From the close up photos of cocktails on the walls to the Weatherspoons-esque framed drinks offers it's all a bit 2001. Not very busy in there last night for a Fri in ED. Felt like we were in a very small Yates'... It's not just the naff decor either, had 'champagne' cocktails made with warm prosecco...at ?7 each - ouch. Went to Black Cherry afterwards and had a lovely mojito.

Annoying as a remember the one in Clapham being quite cool (although that was a few years ago)

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'If you're looking for serious. you've come to the wrong place' so said the the ridiculously perky barman as I ordered my drinks. My heart sank. Then I looked around me and my heart sank a little further.... the interior seemed to be designed by the same outfit responsible for the bars in Premier Travel Inns. All a bit clinical, not very adventurous.
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Clearly not many of us who have posted like it - but I'm not convinced it will close due to a lack of interest. I think plenty of people out there will like it

Shame Toby hasn't come back on since the opening - but then I'm not all that surprised either. I was going to speak to him on the opening night but it was way to busy and I doubt we could have heard each other anyway...

Right, I'm off to the Duke for a manly beer

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Brendan Wrote:


> This thread has been very enlightening. Not

> necessarily regarding the new bra (I?m going to

> give it a go myself and make up my own mind) but I

> never knew people took mojitos so seriously.


Brendan - I've only read the last page of this thread, so may have missed something. But! Did you mean to type "bra"?

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Follwing a kind message from another fella, I shall repost my rant here as didn't realize there was already a thread going. Anyway - I went in to this horror show last night for the first and only time. Jesus Christ on a great pink pogo stick, what an abortion of a place. We lost Inside 72 for this?!? For all its failings at least 72 had a modicum of shambolic charm - this is just another corporate chain non-entity with all the appeal of a dog turd on a duvet. Its like the great bar god in the sky has hovered their arse over East Dulwich and shat out this pink parasol floating, chunky gold chain wearing, 'oi oi oi!' shouting bit of Falaraki into our laps. Cheers mate.

Tell you what, why don't we turn The Bishop into a Slug & Lettuce while we're at it? Or Franklins into a Happy Eater?

To the owners of the Adventure - sod off to Clapham where you belong with all due haste, and take your fake brickwork with you.

Fake fuc*in' bricks. I ask you. Jesus.

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I wasn't impressed with the place either - but as I've said, I doubt it's aimed at people like me

Only thing I will say in it's defence (well, not even that... more of a correction really) is that it's not a corporate mega chain - the guys behind it independantly run 3 bars in SOuth London but it's not part of any "group"

I thought I would give it another try on a Sat afternoon to see if it had at least a chilled afternoon vibe going - nope - they don't even open on afternoons. So zero chance of me going back there again

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went there last night. do not think will be back. do you think these people do market research? this is not for us. I felt like being in a bar in Brentwood or Chelmsford circa 1995, actually think that would prefer that to this naff hole.
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Yup - estate agents do spring to mind as Adventure's target market. Especially the ones who cock about with those oh so cool bluetooth headsets crammed permanently into their cretinous lugholes.

Actually, now I think of it, I reckon Foxtons and Adventure have made a secret pact to do their level best to turn our little patch into one great festering corporate titty of a place. And before anyone blithers on about 'Adventure' not being a chain (yes I know there are only three of them - chain enough for me I'm afraid) - who cares, its still a tacky bag of arse.

Its the kind of place Ian Beale would open in Eastenders thinking it's a 'upmarket gaff', so the laydeez wouldn't have to go 'up west' to get their Tia Maria's. A titanically misguided moronhole in other words.

Any road up, innit a nice day??

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I did wonder aloud on the opening night (not that I could be heard) if there was a tunnel from Foxton's to the bar..

I have pulled my punches about the place tho, as Toby did spend a lot of time putting his case forwward on here so fair play to him for that. But I do get why some people express themselves so... elequantly

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It does seem a shame, as Sean said earlier, that Toby hasn't been back to this thread to perhpas put his viewpoint accross.... he was all very keen on getting us through the door - but doesn't seem that interested in trying to persude us to return....
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I'm not being funny, but if I read this thread there's no way I'd come back on. At the end of the day, if the place is full (which I guess it is), then who gives a flying feck if others are slating it?

I thought it was shite, but as Sean has said, I very much doubt it'll fail.

Tell you what, why don't we turn The Bishop into a Slug & Lettuce while we're at it

Surely this would be an improvement wouldn't it?

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What's the point in Mr Adventure coming back on here to hear a load of whingers droning-on about Inside 72 and all about how his new bar is ruining the y'know like ubercoolvillageyvibe?

I wouldn't.

I don't like turkey drummers, but I don't expect Bernard Matthews to pay me a visit in person and attempt to justify his monsterous creation in person - whilst I stamp on his feet and slap him in the mush. I just don't eat them.

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Yeah... I'm sure the adventure bar guy is reading, but seriously - what damage limitation could he possibly do, after having his new bar almost universally slated? There's nothing he could say now which wouldn't be met with a negative response. Although I'm sure he's taking the more constructive comments on board.
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Ha, good point macroban. At the ripe old age of 30, I was told by a local trendy young 19 year old that the place is wicked man, and that I should try it out.

Thing is, I never liked places like that really, I've been and old mans pub kind of guy since I was 15 :-S

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