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former East Dulwich councillor - how can I help?

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Some time ago I was asked about the right turn East Dulwich road into Peckham Rye.

I have a reply that indeed the right filter is broken:


There are no current faults at this site, which suggests that the detector calling in the right turn is functioning correctly. However, whilst I haven?t been able to visit site I have watched the staged sequence from the office and I can see the right turn filter doesn?t come in very often so I?ve asked our maintenance contractor to check the alignment of this equipment. I?m afraid that I do not have a timescale for when this is likely to be completed. I will also not be provided with a report, or in deed be notified of when this has been completed but I?ll check our system and see what feedback there is.


My hunch is within a fortnight it will be fixed.

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There is a serious health hazard on the margins of the car park where the Blue car wash is located near on Abbotswood Drive adjacent to Sainsburys Dog Kennel Hill.

I walk past there regularly and have noticed that toilet waste is being dumped in the bushes on the edge of the car park next to Abbotswood Drive. Toilet paper, smeared with excrement, is blowing around the lower end of the car park and there is an accumulation of foul water which is not draining away. Bags of rubbish have been dumped there with food waste giving rise to a rat problem. After last nights rain, it is disgusting with raw sewage running into the street. The stench is very strong.

The source of this may well be the staff at the car cleaning operation who do not appear to have toilet facilities. Some of them are living in two campervans located just outside the car park. People have been living permanently in those vans for well over two years now! They have no plumbed sanitation so they most probably are dumping toilet waste.

These people have evidently taken up permanent residence there as they have many potted plants around the vehicles.

My understanding is that person can stay in a caravan on private land for a maximum of 28 days. After that they must apply for planning permission.

It begs the question... why has Southwark Council not identified that people were living there permanently? And why has this health hazard been allowed to continue?

I have contacted Southwark Council who have done nothing other than write to the solicitors of the owner of the land.

Something needs to be done.

Toilet paper



Black sewage water



One of two campervans there for over 2 years and sewage in the foreground flowing into Abbottswood Rd



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Hi Duvalier,

You're referring to the private car parking controlled by Dulwich Hamlet Football Club that has a car wash at home end.

I think you're also referring to the tiny car park facing onto Abbotswood Road. I'm not clear who owns that one. But all the land was once Kings College sports ground so unlikely Southwark Council land.

The owners are responsible for ensuring their land is kept in good condition. They have a public duty to keep it safe - especially for children.

unattended land can cause greater levels of anti social.

in the first instance you should ask the club when they plan to tidy this eyesore up - [email protected]

I'll also ask council environment officers what if anything they can do about the public dangers of this private, but open to the public, car park.

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Thanks for your reply on this James, that sounds good.


mes Barber Wrote:


> Hi mrsilencio,

> The offer of free ground motorbike anchors is

> still in place for all East Dulwich ward residents

> - any resident can email with their details so we

> can organise this.

> We also have free motorbike property marking kits

> - again any resident can email me their contact

> details and we can get this organised.


> I will ask our Safer Neighbourhood Panel Ward

> Panel to make motorbike crime number one priority.

> The Police can get a list of all registered

> motorbikes in the ward and proactively visit

> offering our free anchors and property marking

> kits. I will also contact the borough commander

> asking what other measures he plans to solve this

> problem.

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Thanks James, I shall contact them about the public health issue.

There is the other issue of planning permission where someone lives in a caravan/campervan for more than 28 days on private land. Beyond 28 days , PP must be applied for. People have been living in these campervans for over 2 years.


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I contacted Dulwich Hamlet Football Club at the e-mail address you provided but they have not responded. I might suggest to you that DHFC is just a tenant and that the owner is the developer who bought out the club.

That aside, doesn't the Council have a duty to intervene ( even on private land) where there a clearly demostrated public health hazard?


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Hi James

Can you help with the following:-

I am sure you have noticed that there are a lot of little poeple in East dulwich!

My 3 month old daughter is a patient at the Gardens. They have recently changed their baby clinic policy (you can take them to get weighed, seak advice and get jabs). It used to be a drop in which had its benefits and negatives.

However now it is by appointment only. I was supposed to get my daughter weighed at the beginning of June but can only get an appointment on the 21st July. I should have just booked an appointment at the end of June she offered but I decided to take their advice and call every Thursday the baby clinic is open and try and get a cancellation - no joy! Annoyingly people boom appointments and just don't show up.

The health visitors work out of Townley Road. Other surgery patients are allowed to drop in their but we are not allowed.

The Gardens have asked if we can go but the health visitors are yet to confirm / allow us to attend.

Is this something you can help with or point me in the right direction?

My daughter needs to be weighed regularly as they are concerned about her growth.

I realise part of this problem is due to forgetful sleep deprived parents but it's proving difficult to get an appointment.

I hope the above makes sense!



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Hi James,

I just posted this on another thread about the new gym operators but wondering who I can talk to about the re-fit of the cafe Everyone Active have done there. They have installed two slush puppy machines, a milk shake machine and an ice cream fridge which I don't think at all promotes healthy eating messages to the large number of children passing through and personally think is unacceptable. Thanks.

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Hi James

Do you know what Southwarks position is in repsect to providing residents (with no off street parking) the facility to charge an electric vehicle close to their home ?

I need a new car and REALLY want to go electric. Without a convenient charging point, that's going to be difficult

I see a few years ago Southwark proudly claimed it was "leading the way" with charging points [1], but since then has managed a total of 8 [yes, eight] places to charge an electric vehicle across the entire borough [2]

Hardly leading the way

I also understand that there is a government grant scheme, aimed specifically at dealing with this [3], funded by the office for low emission vehicles - have Southwark signed up to that ? if not, why ?

Apprecite that you cant speak for the whole council, but as transport seems to be a big issue for you, I thought you may be interested in this situation.


[2] http://www.southwark.gov.uk/info/100011/transport_and_streets/2055/electric_cars

[3] https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/government-funding-for-residential-on-street-charging-for-plug-in-vehicles-a-guide-for-members-of-the-public

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DadOf4 Wrote:


> Hi James

> Do you know what Southwarks position is in repsect

> to providing residents (with no off street

> parking) the facility to charge an electric

> vehicle close to their home ?


> I need a new car and REALLY want to go electric.

> Without a convenient charging point, that's going

> to be difficult


> I see a few years ago Southwark proudly claimed it

> was "leading the way" with charging points [1],

> but since then has managed a total of 8 places to

> charge an electric vehicle across the entire

> borough [2]

> Hardly leading the way


> I also understand that there is a government grant

> scheme, aimed specifically at dealing with this

> [3], funded by the office for low emission

> vehicles - have Southwark signed up to that ? if

> not, why ?


> Apprecite that you cant speak for the whole

> council, but as transport seems to be a big issue

> for you, I thought you may be interested in this

> situation.




> [1]http://www.southwark.gov.uk/news/article/887/so

> uthwark_council_leads_the_way_on_electric_car_char

> ging_points


> [2]

> http://www.southwark.gov.uk/info/100011/transport_

> and_streets/2055/electric_cars


> [3]

> https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/governm

> ent-funding-for-residential-on-street-charging-for

> -plug-in-vehicles-a-guide-for-members-of-the-publi

> c

I too would like to buy an electric or hybrid car but I have no off street parking, and as I live on the Dulwich Estate have very little chance of getting permission - although I do like my front garden. I assume running a lead over the pavement is a health and safety issue but would welcome clarification on this from someone with specialist knowledge.

I would willingly pay towards a charging point outside my house but such is the parking situation that I can rarely park outside my own home. If Southwark is really serious about leading the way on electric cars why don't they allow those residents who own them to have a dedicated parking space - as for disabled drivers - outside the house?

In reality neither Southwark nor the Dulwich Estate show any interest in promoting a 'green' agenda for the area, so I fear my hope for an electric car will not be realised.

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Yes I can help. I've several different items of casework for different problems with a number of different local GP practices.

But please email me and I will then go to chair of the CCG.

pigglemarex Wrote:


> Hi James


> Can you help with the following:-


> I am sure you have noticed that there are a lot of

> little poeple in East dulwich!


> My 3 month old daughter is a patient at the

> Gardens. They have recently changed their baby

> clinic policy (you can take them to get weighed,

> seak advice and get jabs). It used to be a drop in

> which had its benefits and negatives.


> However now it is by appointment only. I was

> supposed to get my daughter weighed at the

> beginning of June but can only get an appointment

> on the 21st July. I should have just booked an

> appointment at the end of June she offered but I

> decided to take their advice and call every

> Thursday the baby clinic is open and try and get a

> cancellation - no joy! Annoyingly people boom

> appointments and just don't show up.


> The health visitors work out of Townley Road.

> Other surgery patients are allowed to drop in

> their but we are not allowed.


> The Gardens have asked if we can go but the health

> visitors are yet to confirm / allow us to attend.



> Is this something you can help with or point me in

> the right direction?


> My daughter needs to be weighed regularly as they

> are concerned about her growth.


> I realise part of this problem is due to forgetful

> sleep deprived parents but it's proving difficult

> to get an appointment.


> I hope the above makes sense!


> Thanks,


> Catherine

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pigglemarex Wrote:


> Hi James


> Can you help with the following:-


> I am sure you have noticed that there are a lot of

> little poeple in East dulwich!


> My 3 month old daughter is a patient at the

> Gardens. They have recently changed their baby

> clinic policy (you can take them to get weighed,

> seak advice and get jabs). It used to be a drop in

> which had its benefits and negatives.


> However now it is by appointment only. I was

> supposed to get my daughter weighed at the

> beginning of June but can only get an appointment

> on the 21st July. I should have just booked an

> appointment at the end of June she offered but I

> decided to take their advice and call every

> Thursday the baby clinic is open and try and get a

> cancellation - no joy! Annoyingly people boom

> appointments and just don't show up.


> The health visitors work out of Townley Road.

> Other surgery patients are allowed to drop in

> their but we are not allowed.


> The Gardens have asked if we can go but the health

> visitors are yet to confirm / allow us to attend.



> Is this something you can help with or point me in

> the right direction?


> My daughter needs to be weighed regularly as they

> are concerned about her growth.


> I realise part of this problem is due to forgetful

> sleep deprived parents but it's proving difficult

> to get an appointment.


> I hope the above makes sense!


> Thanks,


> Catherine

Have PM's this to you to ensure you saw this, but wanted to post on here so it was more widely seen & possibly Councillor Barber could give his opinion/let us know what is happening at LA level regarding this:

Hi there,

Saw this & thought I'd reply as am a student HV in Lambeth (the other half of the GSTT which covers HV's).

In your daughter's red book should be details of other local clinics you can attend

and the contact details for your HV team - am surprised & saddened the GP surgery has t directed you to this.

Due to gov't cuts to the public health budget which is held by the LA's (HV's not seen as frontline NHS staff so not protected from cuts) there are lots of changes afoot with local child health clinics/HV provision - having has the trust making me sign a document confirming I'd work for them for 2yrs after qualifying, I've had to find a job in another trust as they are actually looking to reduce HV numbers so not employing any students qualifying this year.

Want to be clear though that I & many of my colleagues do not blame the LA - we are v aware this is due to the austerity measures at national level.

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The response I had yesterday is the head of leisure will investigate as clearly contrary to stated council policies.

My expectation is the cafe sells much healthier fare. I hope it won't take long to organise this.

patt1980 Wrote:


> Hi James,


> I just posted this on another thread about the new

> gym operators but wondering who I can talk to

> about the re-fit of the cafe Everyone Active have

> done there. They have installed two slush puppy

> machines, a milk shake machine and an ice cream

> fridge which I don't think at all promotes healthy

> eating messages to the large number of children

> passing through and personally think is

> unacceptable. Thanks.

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Hi James,

I'm hoping you can help us residents out with today's Southern Rail timetable announcement. As I'm sure you will know there is a new timetable being implemented by Southern from ED to LB from Monday. This basically leaves one train an hour in the morning rush and about one train every 50 minutes in the evening rush hour.

I've emailed Southern (as I am sure a number of residents have) but they take 20 working days to respond. We really need to know how long to expect this disaster to continue. this is a really serious situation for local residents as many commitments will not be able to be met. It's not like we have a plethora of alternatives (have you seen how long the 40 takes in rush hour, and frequently it's full by the time it reaches Goose Green before this train announcements was made).

Please can you as our local representative get in touch with someone at Southern and ask some questions:

1) why were they allowed to decimate our service but keep other services with very little change?

2) how long will this last?

3) is there a action plan to remove this service from southern and hand it over to a competent rail company such as TfL overground?

Many thanks


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Hi Penguinpost,

I was under the impression 2 trains per hur but either way beyond grim.

Throughout I'v been in regular contact with Lib Dem GLA Assembly Member Caroline Pidgeon. She experiences this first hand every day as she lives locally and commutes by train to City Hall between East Dulwich and London Bridge stations.

I'll come back to you later with more specifically what we can do.

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James, we would really appreciate if you could speak to Southern on our behalf. Currently if one of the trains get cancelled, or if a 4 carriage train turn up instead of a 8 carriage train, the trains would be jam packed. Can't see how they can reduce our timetable to just one train an hour even during peak hour. How are we going to go in the work? I got a season ticket and to be honest I can't see how they can just reduce their service just like that. That's a 75% reduction (from 4 trains an hour to just one)

Many thanks in advance

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I agree it is not acceptable and I hope that heads will be banged together (bosses', politicians' and union chiefs') to get a better timetable.

It highlights - again - the lack of appropriate levels of transport provision (at least at rush hours) in SE22/15/5 etc.

I wrote to Helen Hayes earlier this year (March, I think). She passed on my queries and concerns (and suggestions, such as more buses or express versions at certain times) to Mike Brown, the London Transport Commissioner who in turn wrote back to me (via Fiona Lampard whose title is Assembly Management Manager, Government and Stakeholder Relations, Group Public Affairs (her capitals). In essence, what I learnt is that Camberwell station could be reopened but it would have a knock-on effect on other train movements and that it is being looked into; that 40s and 176s "are well used during peak periods but....below capacity as passengers can board these buses at these times. There is not sufficient demand to justify the cost of introducing more buses along the routes. The major cause of bus delays is traffic congestion, rather than dwell time at stops. Therefore an express service would not necessarily be quicker than a service that stops more regularly."

So, if you want to get in touch with Mike Brown vis-a-vis the extra pressure on bus routes given the Southern debacle, please do so via [email protected] . Why not copy in the Mayor and Helen Hayes too?

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James, Are there any updates from Caroline? As a commuter trying to juggle childcare whilst holding down a job life is chaotic enough without this extreme and unacceptable revised timetable. Like other posters have said overcrowding is already an issue without fewer services!
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It is 3 trains during the whole morning 'rush hour' so effectively 1tph.

I've spoken to GLA Assembly Member Caroline Pidgeon. I've asked can TfL provide an emergency express bus service such as an X40 bus service.

We both think government needs to transfer this train franchise to TfL ASAP. TfL appear far more competent at running trains services than Southern Exec who appear out of their depth.

And if the Govt are trying to union bash at least be publicly honest about this so we all know where we stand.

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