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EDF Drinks - 4th Dec - at Boho Bar


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oh lordie me... do hope i did not do any unintentional snubbing!!!! After five G&T's I could have been looking up and down and left and right in an attempt to keep my eyes in focus!!! still... not much of a hangover so well chuffed... nice night, nice people... some wandering hands though!!!!!

think the gin and tonics were ?4.80, that seems a lot to me but not sure what you normally pay in a pubhttp://www.timesonline.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00425/gin_185x360_425930a.jpg

oh ... just looked on line.... you can get a pitcher of G&T for ?5.80 at Wetherspoons... and no I am not suggesting we go ther next time

*thinks...not really the looking up and down type so pretty sure it wasn't me!!!!*

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Had a great time good to see and speak to old and new Fourmits I think they should change the name of the bar to ?4.85 every drink I bought wine larger down stairs was ?4.85 apart from that it was good thanks to Geo for booking it

went home had a bottle of wine ?4.80.

Bob S

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I was there early and then went off for a few hours to return somewhat enebriated and in dancing mode. I didn't speak to anyone much but had a good time. I really liked the place and thought the atmosphere was very jolly. Suffering for my sins today though. P.s, does anyone know where I left my car:-$
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(*nurses extremely sore head*)

Oh what a truly fabulous evening...had a really great time...met lots of lovely people (old and new faces)...even got to do some dancing ...and I managed to get a wonderful escort home all the way to my front door...(thanks for that Weegee). Good nibbles too! The only downside is that I am rather hoarse (as well as having a sore head) today as a result of shouting/laughing so much! Still, tis a small price to pay... Mega-thanks to Georgia once again for arranging it all.

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A really nice evening, haven't been to drinks for a while so was lovely to catch up albeit briefly with Annaj and Belle, Lord and Lady Mac, BN5, RosieH, buggie and Timster, as well as with Quids, OutOfFocus, Georgia and Raj, charliecharlie, LegalEagleish, Jah Lush, Hibbs, Allycat, TillieTrotter and even Bagpuss whom I haven't seen for donkeys', have my first proper conversation with Mr. Ben (blimey), and especially to meet 3 lovely new forumites: mazza123, JoJo09 and E whose forum name I didn't get. Great to see some friendly new faces. I'd have loved to have met Giggirl, boo. Perhaps next time!

G&R - good luck with the move

Quids and L - even more luck with the arrival of the Farthing!

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Congratulations KK and thank you Georgia for organising last night. It was great to meet some legends of the forum (Moos, Giggirl, LadyMuck, SeanMc, Jah Lush, Floating Onion and CitizenED, it felt a bit like being among celebrities at times!) as well as some new people. I was sorry that I didn't get to talk to everyone - I would have liked to meet Annaj. I had a lovely time and am looking forward to coming to another one once my head has cleared and my feet have recovered.
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annaj Wrote:


> Well, I had a completely new experience after two

> years of forum drinks...


> I tried to introduce myself to someone and was

> completely snubbed.


> ...And to think, the person who did the snubbing is

> one of those who bleats a lot about inclusivity...

To annaj:

Having received several PMs from people who are of the opinion that the above comments refer to me (and you have now confirmed this via PM), I am compelled to set the record straight openly - as opposed to via PM.

Yes, I remember very well your coming over yesterday...I was deep in conversation with another forumite when you suddenly appeared. You first spoke to the other forumite briefly and then turned towards me. Before I relay the conversation as I recall it, I would just like to say that I am only doing so because, I feel, my reputation has been somewhat sullied as a direct result of your post and the fact that you have been telling people something which, to my mind, is untrue. Moreover, your telling of the situation (as you saw it) to quite a few people, resulted in my receiving a very public and humiliating shunning by various forumites at Bohos last night...something I did not deserve. So, in the interests of openness, our meeting last night went something like this:

(*Ladymuck in deep conversation with another forumite*)

Annaj suddenly appears and begins speaking to the other forumite and our conversation is abruptly ended. Conversation between annaj and o/f very brief.

Annaj turns to me and says, something like:

annaj: Ladymuck, I'm annaj, I've come over especially...

Ladymuck: Hi there, my real name's M----...

annaj: in fact I've made a special trip over to introduce myself and to tell you that I'm not quite the bitch you seem to think I am on the forum...

(a very surprised and slightly uncomfortable) Ladymuck: erm...that's fine...forget about it...don't worry about it...

annaj: so we say cheers then (or something to that effect..didn't quite catch the words...as music very loud)...

Ladymuck: cheers...

Following that very short exchange we (annaj and myself) raised and "clinked" glasses and annaj went back to her group as quickly as she had arrived...leaving myself and the other forumite a little puzzled...but fine...that was that.

That was the extent of the exchange...it was very brief. I certainly did not intend it to be a "snub". Also, I would just like to clarify...I have never (to the best of my knowledge) ever referred to you (annaj) as "a bitch". Never. So I don't understand where that comes from either.

You then make a further post:

annaj wrote:

...I walked over and introduced myself with a smile and a jokey remark about getting on better in person (much the same as I did when I first met you) and was met with stoney silence and a slow look up and down (what in my Gloucestershire teenage years we used to call a "dogging up")

I know bars are noisy places and misunderstandings arise, and I'm all for the benefit of the doubt, but it felt pretty deliberate and pretty unkind.

Firstly, can I just say that there was no smile...well, not that I could see anyway...and as for the "jokey remark", I'm sorry but I didn't see "the joke"... You seemed very serious. You may not have intended it, and indeed I am sure you didn't, but you came across quite stern and (I don't mean to offend)...well, quite "headmistressy". I honestly cannot recall the "stoney silence"...and as regards the "dogging up"...that is really not my style. Perhaps I was looking at your outfit...I don't know...but clearly you felt I was being deliberately unkind and this is what matters. Can I say here now once and for all that I did not intend to appear unkind or indeed to offend you in any way. However, clearly you have been offended and for this I apologise unreservedly

As to your further comment: "But I've no intention of naming and shaming...", you may not have "named and shamed", but by telling quite a few people face to face, and posting as you have (with the odd clue here and there)...you may as well have done. Your action of "spreading" something which was untrue (albeit the result of a misunderstanding)...led to my receiving several very public humiliating snubs last night at Bohos (including one by one of the Forum's own moderators). I understand that you may have felt justified in feeling the way you did, but you could have had a word with me directly to clear the air or you could have PM'd me later that night whereupon I could have set the record straight. I don't bite (well not often, anyway).

Finally, may I just say that this post is not intended to be confrontational, nor is it intended to cause further upset or argument. It is simply a heartfelt view of how I see things. As alluded to above, I have posted my feelings (and my apology to annaj which is sincere) on here - rather than by PM to annaj (a) in the interests of openness and (b) in a small attempt to salvage what might be left of my reputation.

This is all I intend saying on this matter.

Note: I have PM'd annaj telling her of my intention to post publicly rather than via PM and the reasons why.

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