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Your secret vice or vices


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What is your vice that you can't do without or do you have a secret pleasure.

Mine is: On a friday after work I binge on cheap junk food till about 8 then have a spliff after which I usually sink about 8 tins of Stella in front of the television, alone. I do this to purge myself of all the male confrontational attitude and proximaty of a large building site as well as forgetting the thud and humming of machinery and it works and I get away with it because the missus is at english lessons all night, ha ha. Yes I know it's a bit sad but it's one of my guilty pleasures.

Always look at the confessions section on the Gumtree, there are some wierd people out there.


There are more but strangly I can't think of any at the moment but I'll remember soon

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LegalEagle-ish Wrote:


> Wouldn't be secret if I told you!

O.K not secret as in what type of porn that would raise an objection (sorry can't help myself) just stuff which you think maybe a little bit unique+guilty.

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A large and growing collection of Blahniks, Louboutins, Choos and Birkins. That's shoes and handbags to the uninitiated.

Edited because I failed the genuis test - sorry - that's not really a secret is it.

My secret vice - are you mad; that's something I can't even touch on with my closest pals after several cocktails, let alone on an open forum!

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Crikey.. here goes..

Every Wednesday afternoon, Mrs *Bob* drops young *Bob* at nursery and then takes the credit card for a spin at Bluewater.

As soon as she's gone, I head down to the shed with my iPod.

I close the door, strip down to my underpants and - whilst listening to The Carpenters - gently beat myself on the bottom with the smooth side of a table tennis bat.

There! I said it.

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*Bob* Wrote:


> Crikey.. here goes..


> Every Wednesday afternoon, Mrs *Bob* drops young

> *Bob* at nursery and then takes the credit card

> for a spin at Bluewater.


> As soon as she's gone, I head down to the shed

> with my iPod.

> I close the door, strip down to my underpants and

> - whilst listening to The Carpenters - gently beat

> myself on the bottom with the smooth side of a

> table tennis bat.


> There! I said it.

Are you my neighbour Bob?

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Apart from the normal sorts of things, I often find myself sitting alone in my lounge at 2am thrashing away trying to beat my score on Guitar Hero (just one more attempt and I can get this song past 80,90,95%...)

Result - Poor Eyesight, strained wrist and lack of sleep (at least I think that is caused by Guitar Hero.. will have to double check with the priests)

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LuvPeckham Wrote:


> Sigh


> Apart from the normal sorts of things, I often

> find myself sitting alone in my lounge at 2am

> thrashing away trying to beat my score on Guitar

> Hero (just one more attempt and I can get this

> song past 80,90,95%...)


> Result - Poor Eyesight, strained wrist and lack of

> sleep (at least I think that is caused by Guitar

> Hero.. will have to double check with the priests)

Luv, you really need to get yourself a girlfriend, ask Miles, I'm sure he can help, hmmmmm maybe he won't now though due to that little campaign you will have going on the weekend.

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karter Wrote:


> LuvPeckham Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Sigh

> >

> > Apart from the normal sorts of things, I often

> > find myself sitting alone in my lounge at 2am

> > thrashing away trying to beat my score on

> Guitar

> > Hero (just one more attempt and I can get this

> > song past 80,90,95%...)

> >

> > Result - Poor Eyesight, strained wrist and lack

> of

> > sleep (at least I think that is caused by

> Guitar

> > Hero.. will have to double check with the

> priests)


> Luv, you really need to get yourself a girlfriend,

> ask Miles, I'm sure he can help, hmmmmm maybe he

> won't now though due to that little campaign you

> will have going on the weekend.

I Love my guitar..... what more do I need in life ?

And I haven't got a campaign against "Mr Miles and Boon", I am just warning the lovely ladies of East Dulwich about our local Cad, Harem operator and general all round bounder.

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giggirl Wrote:


> A large and growing collection of Blahniks,

> Louboutins, Choos and Birkins. That's shoes and

> handbags to the uninitiated.



If I ever end up in rehab, I want to be there with you!

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I ...err... have to confess that I like watching loose women. That's the tv prog by the way. I've only just discovered it after starting to work from home. I'd love to be their token male guest, sat in the middle of them as they flirt outrageously with me.... Heaven.
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I think I have far too many guilty pleasures to mention... being raised a Catholic I think I am programmed to feel guilty whenever I do anything fun...

*removes tongue from cheek*

Seriously, the pleasures I have I don't feel guilty about are having a nice bottle of wine over the weekend (might feel guilty if I necked it in one night... or hungover anyway!), burning scented candles and buying myself the occassional bunch of flowers.

Really guilty plesures - buying take out and then throwing half away when I have healthy food in the house, spending too much time surfing the internet rather than doing something useful or more fun, buying more than I need.. of lots of things, especially shoes, books, fancy toiletries etc etc.

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When I have a spare hour, I treat myself to a stationary non sales event at R*ylon.

I enter, wait around for 15 minutes until someone appears , then have the audacity to ask for soemthing I can see on display, usually to be told they dont have it.

Then I peruse the pens, select a nice one and ask if I can test it

How we laugh as I am bundled out of the door

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