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Stop picking daffodils from GG and Peckham Rye Park!!


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I certainly hope these signs do not eventuate. That would be real vandalism.

Get off your soap box love. Its kids picking flowers. Go find a real issue.

Go they yummy mummy and their sexy yuppy husbands bring on the buggaboos and you know what, have another latte Lou!

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onvisa Wrote:


> I certainly hope these signs do not eventuate.

> That would be real vandalism.


> Get off your soap box love. Its kids picking

> flowers. Go find a real issue.


> Go they yummy mummy and their sexy yuppy husbands

> bring on the buggaboos and you know what, have

> another latte Lou!

Oh dear, another first timer coming in all guns blazing. Tut bloomin tut!


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> Oh dear, another first timer coming in all guns

> blazing. Tut bloomin tut!


> Louisa.

Oh is there a special forum for first time posters? Are they a special sub-class of ED'ers?

Or should there maybe be a special forum for people who make ignorant assumptions?

You decide once you have put down your daily mail.


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  • 10 months later...

Good Point well made Casius, in honesty i think if Louisa hadn't been quite as abbrasive and hostile in her comments, most of the people saying it's not a huge deal would have agreed with her.

Nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe in, but doing it in an agressive way never really achieves the desired response.

That said, the way some people disrespect their local comunity and everything that goes into making East Dulwich a special and enjoyable place to live, is EXTREMELY frustrating and annoying!!!


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My daffodil rant was a relevant cause at the time, and as we approach Spring I would like to thank TM for once again bringing one of my greatest and most informative posts back to life again in 2010! It is indeed at this time of year we start to see the young plants stemming up from the ground, through the frost and ice, just to struggle their way into March and April so that they can produce those wonderful joyous and colourful flowers for all of us to appreciate. Be under no illusion people of ED, I will be reigniting my anti-daff picking campaign this year, and if I do happen to see some selfish sod going around picking I will not hesitate to publicly shame them on GG or the Rye - BE WARNED!!!


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Louisa,I almost feel like picking them just to get you going, but to be honest I will wait till my daughter is 3 and let her do it if it gives her pleasure, because no matter what you think the smile on her face will be seconded only in the amount of pleasure i get from the lemon sucking scowl on yours. If a kid picks a daffodil to give to mummy because she loves her it will not be the end of the world, and mummy accepting that flower with a glow of pride and happiness will not be the end of the world either, people getting uptight and mouldy about these little acts of love just might or maybe climate change will and ther wont be anymore daffodils for you to get so stressed about.


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Ann - thankyou :))

Brian - a collection of healthy young plants for all of us to be proud of looking at will be something we can celebrate together!

iain - I too cannot wait for your child to reach that glorious age of 3, and if I am present when that notorious park daff picking event takes place, I will be looking forward to shaming you for your active encouragement of public vandalism! I will also report you to the park warden and any passing community support officers! Much love! :))


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I agree with Louisa. The occasional toddler picking the odd bloom is really neither here nor there. But what we do tend to see is idiots picking dirty great bunches and leaving a trail of discarded flowers, which is depressing on many levels....You can grow your own daffodils in window boxes too you know, if Mummy needs to be impressed! :))
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I look forward to that day, I havent been reported to the park keeper since i bunked off school and got caught smoking behind his shed.hahaha:))

ps. I am just playing devils advocate I won't be picking flowers but someone had to get the debate going again >:D<

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''hahahahaha - Who'd have thought that Daffodils would inspire such a fierce debate.''

..as opposed to inspiring one of the greatest poems of the nineteenth century ?

if the daffodils are the pennies of the natural world then its worth looking after them so that the pounds look after themselves.

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I really dont think there is any justification for children (of any age) picking flowers which do not belong to them. I live on a school route and on numerous occassions have remonstrated with adults who have let their charges enter my garden and pick the flowers therein(often pulling them up by the bulb which is then discarded).I'm normally then treated to a comment such as " .. aww he/she didnt mean any harm." They usual recoil in horror when theft is mentioned which technically it is!

Surely it is common decency to teach children to respect other peoples property and not pick flowers which are not theirs and much better to promote that concept that they should be left for everyone to enjoy!!

It is extremely easy to grow spring bulbs on a window sill indoors if you want to bring flowers inside.

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142 posts (now 143) about daffodils-wow! A charity swim for Haiti receives 5 posts. This just highlights to show the superficial and materialistic nature of some of people who now live in east dulwich/peckham. Daffodils are beautiful, but if there were not any daffs at all in east dulwich or peckham rye-my heart wouldn't skip a beat.

Removal of the flowers was a form of vandalism so in that respect well done for highlighting the issue-however the people who carried out this act most probably are not the type that can read so posting this is almost futile in that sense.

Also you sought help from a southwark warden. Haven't the poor daffodils got enough problems without one of them trying to help?

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Well done on doing the charity swim.

But in all reality did you expect an appeal for your efforts on an anoymnous forum to get 100s of responses? I expect (and hope) many people on here have done something, sponsored someone they know or given something out there in the real world so how this thread and the lack of sponsorship you recieved off the internet on your thread reflects 'the materialistic nature of some people who now live in East Dulwich/Peckham' is a bit of a leap in all honesty.

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what ??? said- a lot of our children have raised money for Haiti on their own intitiative, a lot of us have given to Haiti through national appeals as well as events sponsored by people we know/our schools. why should we suddenly suspend our caring for our own environment ?
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