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What the hell is going on on Barry Road? (shooting)


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An elderly man was sadly murdered at the back of the little estate I live on, about 2 years ago.

Sadly the murderer was never found, and it did not make major headlines.

It is tragic. I never take my life here for granted.

I am not saying Get Over It.

I am saying this could have happened a mile away in Peckham, or across the park where I live - it just happened to be where it was.

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first of all, deepest sympathies go out to the dead man's family.

Now, whilst I will defend everybodys right to say what they want I feel without this put into context, too many people will create a situation that will spell trouble for others who are innocent. The media will oversensationalise then the police will be even more ineffective with their heavy handed stop and searches of many innocent 'se15' types, which will complete the cycle with the young being alienated even further. It is highly unlikely that anyone on this forum will be at risk. Has anyone been this worried about the countless shooting( many indiscriminate) incidents that have taken place less than a mile away. Maybe we could be more vocal when any injustice takes place. Also, moving to the sticks isn't the answer, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. My family have lived on upland road since 1962 and the incidents aren't indicative of the postcode, it is a sign of the times. Appreciate everyones views though- it should open the debate to discussing the causes and prevention of such tragic situations.

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I agree with most of the above. I am probably over-reacting to the whole thing and it wouldnt be half as bad if was somewhere else but still it was a shock when it is on your doorstep. Hopefully the police will find the perpetrator and then we can move on.
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I have had to register in order to place this comment. Quite frankly I am disgusted at some people on here. Someone died and that is terrible and your thoughts should be with his family right now as mine are. You shouldn't be making nasty snide remarks about postcodes, house prices etc it is insensitive. I live in SE22 and I do think it is shocking it has happened but at the end of the day these things can happen anywhere. Now stop being so horrible and show a bit of sensitivity.
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Poor George who used to run the little post office on Crystal Palace Road was shot a few years ago a week before retireing. Someone was shot on Barry Road outside my old flat about 4 years ago. These things happen. Besides, didn't Dr Shipman live in the sticks? Just very nasty, but not the result of 2 strangers having a row I am sure!
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This is my favourite quote from the London Paper article

"Tom Greene, 80, who lives close to the scene said: "The area has become really terrible. Every night you can hear

shouting and bawling. Gangs of up to six shouting in street slang, mumbo jumbo."

Especially gangs of "up to 6"

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baldwinpablo Wrote:


> theLondonPaper is saying it was a weird random shooting

No they don't

>the guy blew his head off

No he didn't. Please don't exaggerate unnecessarily to cause alarm and perhaps show some respect.

[edited once]

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"I'd like to repeat exactly what Dave, UK just said. Only I'd like to add that I'd put a Berlin Wall type structure round Peckham (since the area has nothing of any interest inside it) and put them all inside it.

- Sarah Bradshaw, Enfield, Middx"

Well obviously living in Enfield you'd know all about Peckham wouldn't you Sarah!

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"...given the event occurred so close to the SE22/SE15 divide"...... what ?

er this is SE22 all the way. The only divide is rubber shoes, folk revival and terrible education in all things culinary.

By the time the Liberal executive get hold of this you lot will get a new library, a 24hr manned police station complete with horses and a couple of new publicly funded but post code private schools.

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There has been quite a number of shootings in East Dulwich recently, many are never reported in the press. Not sure what the official figures are for stabbings and shotings in the area but I suspect SE22 is pretty high up the list.
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Well when I go to Barry's Off License and Grocer - Run by a 19 year old according the BBC I often see groups of people entering and leaving the shop. Horrifying must all be gangs! Oh no now I remember they have been buying things in the shop.

And then there's the gangs of people getting out of their red cars - Mercedes Benzy Buses they scare me too!

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jayes Wrote:


> There has been quite a number of shootings in East

> Dulwich recently, many are never reported in the

> press. Not sure what the official figures are for

> stabbings and shotings in the area but I suspect

> SE22 is pretty high up the list.

Nothing like an anecdotal unfounded theory post.

Most of you are statistically more likely to be abducted by a UFO than be a victim of gun crime.

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