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Anyone experienced a problem with the shop Mrs Robinson? (Lounged)


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I am really saddened to write this after having bought many wonderful thing from the boutique Mrs Robinson, but, has anyone experienced any customer service problems with them ? We bought an expensive piece of furniture from them in Nov 2007, it broke in within a year and so we asked them to either repair it or replace it.

They basically told us it was nothing to do with them and is the responsibility of the manufacturer who they say is not accepting any liability. So this leaves us with a VERY expensive ornament with is unuseable ????

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Is it obvious that the furniture broke because of an inherent fault, or could it appear to be caused by misuse? If the former then you should remind them of the Sale & Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002, and the Sale of Goods Act 1979. If it had broken and you had complained within 6 months then the onus would have been on the retailer to prove the goods were not faulty. Unfortunately, however, after 6 months the onus of proof is on the consumer, so if it's an expensive piece it may be worth getting an independant opinion.

The retailer cannot fob you off by blaming the manufacturer - did they even inspect the furniture?

But first, why not try a strongly worded letter with info from:


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Thanks for getting back to me. Yes we sent them a letter stating all this and are in the process of getting quotes for the repair of the chair from 3 carpenters, before we go back to them with a follow up to their rather unhelpful letter.
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antmcg123 - I've unfortunately had a really bad experience with them as well even though I've bought so much from them in the last few years but I was in the clothing shop.

I bought a dress from the "sale" rack and it was only when I got it home that I noticed it was damaged so went straight back to the shop to tell them .. their response was "well yes, that's why it was reduced in the first place!!" and that I was not able to return it or have my money back as it was a damaged sale item. I went on to argue that it was a "sale" rack and not a "damaged goods" rack and that they should write "damaged" on the item .. a silly argument but they were so rude and wouldn't stand down .. I haven't been back since - shocking customer service if you ask me!

Good luck with your issue though!

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Louisa Wrote:


> Mrs Robinson, William Rose, so many complaints and

> yet I thought all these lovely little independent

> shops were so popular with the middle classes? Has

> credit crunch Britain caught up with the well to

> do perhaps?


> Louisa.

These 'lovely little independent shops' don't just supply goods and services to locals, they also provide employment, therefore keeping roofs over heads. They are also much better for any economic environment that empty shop fronts.

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I like William Rose, etc. and all our small shops. I love the fact that LL isn't full of High St names like countless others.

However, I've never set foot in Mrs R's. It always seemed like an overpriced junk shop to me. Still, each to their own.

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Thanks to everyone for taking the time to reply to my thread, some were more helpful then others, but thank you anyway. I would just like to highlight the fact that I come from a VERY working class background, have worked hard throughout my life to achieve everything we have. The chair in question was bought for myself and my wife as a wedding present from my family and something we had wanted for a very long time. I am not a trouble causer or a pain with nothing better to do. We received a very poor level of customer service from this retailer and wanted to point this out to the local community and if we do nothing about this nothing will improve. I believe poor and good customer service should be highlighted.
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Surely not snobbery so much as taste - I don't think showing a liking for something in Mrs Robinson says anything about you apart from your sense of aesthetics. What possible cachet can there be to buying something from a random shop on Lordship Lane? In all seriousness, who the hell is going to be impressed, or indeed even have a clue what Mrs Robinson is?

I like Mrs Robinson interiors (generally nice things, some of it expensive, some of it not, Clarissa Hulse stuff which is always a bonus in my book) but dislike Mrs Robinson clothes (mumsy and a bit dull)

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I tried to buy something there a few months ago, waited about 10minutes at the cash desk (there were no other customers) while the two members of staff carried on with what they were doing (one was re-arranging the display furniture, the other was at the desk counting up receipts) and in the end I just walked out...I think it's rude and makes bad business sense to ignore your customers! I'd rather spend my money elsewhere. Previously I had been mildly irritated on more than one occasion when the staff discussed their social life amongst themselves in loud detail (yawn...who cares how many cocktails you had last night, just take my money so I can go home) during customer transactions, but at least they had served the customers! I just don't bother going in there now, I like some of their stuff but the service is a let-down.
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Oh for christs sake! Customer service isnt about when you say 'oi' to the shop assistant, it is about when the shop assistant pays some attention to you and does their job properly. I've been in pound shops where the staff are more attentive than in places like this!


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